Monday 10 October 2016


The Character

Name: Goodoo Goods
Age: 25
Gender: Male
DOB: 1.8.1991
Height: 11 cm
Weight: 120g
Place of residence: London
Profession: none
Likes/Dislikes: Happiness/Sorrow
Social MediaTwitter 

So who am I? I am a creature created by the very good craftsman. As I know he has been creating me with the best merits and as I know he was very kind to everyone no matter what. He laid best qualities into me. And the most important one - empathy.   I do now my purpose and it is to make people happy. Do you know that Voodoo guy who helps bad people make someone feel pain or to have some problem with health? So I am the opposite. I do not really exist for myself. I am alive, but not in the habitual meaning. To explain so, I can not exist if I do not have any proprietor. Owner whom I belong (only if he is a very good person) I do help mentally. I can make his life much happier and richer. I can cast best feelings and experiences. My purpose is to be a talisman who also can be a friend.  
There was a question: What would I bring with me if I would be stuck on the desert island (5 items) ?! How can I bring anything if I am stuck? But okay, so these items would be: 



Eternal flame

With all of these items, I will feel secured everywhere. 

Now I need to choose any job on this planet...
I would like to be a Doctor. Purely because so many people suffer and there is such a minimal knowledge how to repair souls. As I am a doll, I could live infinite set of years so I could easily achieve doctor title. But my dream becomes pointless as I am only a doll, not a human. 
- What is the final thing you do when you wake up and the last before you go to sleep?
I don’t wake up as I don’t go to sleep, so there is no final thing for me...yet.
I feel relaxed when everything around me holds the harmony and I am very angry if someone tries to screw it up purposely.
I also have a guilty pleasure and it is "Matrix"
And I do not have any best friend at all because we all are a part of this huge universe and we all are friends at the very beginning. I could have one but since I am created for everyone I just can't have a best friend.

I do not really have any childhood memories and it is because by nature I am the adult all the time and I do not grow.
Me as the creator:
This is a very interesting creation. Very happy and always positive. He is not annoying and you don't even feel that he hangs around. But you always know he is nearby. I still cannot get used to the fact he is not eating and sleeping but he is always smiling and produces an energy of happiness. Also, he is sharp minded and never will answer as you expect. I think it is because he is trying to be funny and it is very hard to get some serious information about him. And possibly know why: He is a very unique creature. I can suggest that he is not afraid to tell anything about his life, he is afraid that we will never understand. So that is why he is just a relaxed being and tries to live as happy life as hew can and help others to feel the same way as he does.

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