Monday 24 October 2016


My top 5 favourite animations which are inspiring me to increase overall understanding of the CGI animations and how to compress a strong narrative into a very short period of time. All these animations have their own unique style and this is why I decided predominantly introduce these particular and individual art pieces.


When you feel different

One of my favourites out there. Stunning animation with a very, very common problem shown in the narrative. I was simply fascinated when I watched this masterpiece for the very first time. This imaginary world has been thought out to the tiniest details and shows how cruel society can be when they have sustainable believe in their exclusivity. But sometimes one occasion can change everything. One of the most atmospheric works I have ever seen. 

2|The Backwater Gospel

Attractive young man

Very stylish animation with very dark ambiance. Cell-shaded visuals with engaging characters make narrative alluring. What do I like about this video is how this dark character is accompanied with death and brings a nightmare to this small western city where they all believe that they can be saved from any hazard.


Underground routine

The Very attractive art style looks similar to videos drawn for the ‘’Gorillaz’’ band. Laboriously selected lines and the very ‘’chopped’’ movement of characters. Believable transmitted behavior of the pocket thief and emotions he expresses. I do really enjoy this ‘’sketchy’’ art style in animation, the very atmospheric environment which kinda asks for the full movie to be released. 
The story line shows some serious social issues like - ‘’Dirty’’ police, thieves and just a regular people tired and buried in the apathy. One of my favorites. 

Limitless imagination

Very inspirational stop motion video of Graffiti  artists at work. Allocated in abandoned factory building, they are spreading out their paintings around all reachable walls. A Huge amount of work and gallons of paint has been left here. This video is abundant with different witty  moments and camera position solutions which make this video memorable. There is no story included , but the actual narrative about an everyday routine of these specific artists has been shown very deserving. 

Running away

Another peculiar work out there. Stunning animation with the carefully designed world. What do I like about this art piece is that  smooth movement of characters and an immersive ambient environment. Although  this animation has been created avoiding ‘’abroad’’ level of detail, the visual aspect of this work is more than appropriate. 

It is very important to follow your favourite artist out there to see how are they developing their skills and how are they following trends in this industry. Also, it is crucial to keep watching animations with completely different visuals even if you prefer only the CGI ones. This practice will develop a good world view and also will expand your knowledge about the industry.

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