Tuesday 22 November 2016


Animation Principles

Maris Zaharevics
Thomas Ian Turner
Fontane Ly




Thomas http://digitalthomast.blogspot.co.uk/
Fontane http://tingtinglyyap.tumblr.com
Maris http://marisanimationprinciples.blogspot.com/2016/11/cut-out-animation.html

Ideas of refining the animation

The overall animation met the expectations that we had in the beginning. We were
pleased how the timing from the storyboard corresponded so well with the animation,
from the aspect that all the frames fitted how we imagined. Due to the precise timing
, this task was very easy as we could follow our plan without fault. This helped to fit
the narrative into the minute as planned.
With the first draft we showed to Alexandra the primary and the secondary movement
was not to the best of our abilities, so the animation was not up to the standard we
anticipated. Then from Alexandra’s feedback we went back to treat the animation to
improve our primary and secondary movement and we find the outcome had become
more aesthetic.

We had the choice to either use pins or threads to construct characters movement on
their anatomy. We chose to use a thread as the pins were going to be visible in the
filming process. We discovered the problem we met after we had built our characters
was that the movement was highly restricted and due to this the primary movement
was heavy and uneven. This became apparent when we started to use more in-depth
secondary movement, when we were animating the motion of the anatomy when parts
of the body such as legs and arm became ungovernable and they moved back to the
original position without us moving them.

• They enjoyed the use of hole-punched card.
• the movement was smooth and subtle and they enjoyed the secondary moment's int
eh, animation.
• the bird was a nice touch nd seems to be a key focus through out the animation
• Possibly add the mask into the ribcage of the fish as it completely disappears though
the animation
• the video was blurred and refocused during the middle of the video the background
wasn't stuck down properly
• 14 seconds in you can see a hand

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